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Continuous Enrollment

Continuous Enrollment:

Never worry about re-enrollment again!

Approximately 85+% of eligible Dade Christian School families re-enroll year after year.

We wanted to make the re-enrollment process as user-friendly as possible, introducing Online Re-Enrollment. While our families universally loved this program and it worked well, we weren’t quite satisfied. We challenged ourselves to do better. We wanted to make things even easier for DCS families and reward such great school loyalty. And that's what led to the launch of Continuous Enrollment.

  • What is Re-Enrollment and why is it important?
    Re-enrollment is an annual data collection process that schools use to update enrollment records of the current student body. This information is used as the school makes plans for the following academic year. The simple question is: “Are you returning to DCS next year?” Our administration carefully plans to ensure that we are prepared to fulfill our mission excellently every year. Until DCS families “sign on the line” that they’re returning each year, we are unable to make solid plans for staffing, programs, materials, curriculum and facility usage. We take the stewardship of tuition dollars entrusted to us very seriously. We want to invest these tuition dollars wisely so that we can provide the best education possible for our students. In order to do so effectively, it is imperative that we know how many students we will have on the first day of school.
  • What is Continuous Enrollment?
    A new process that automatically re-enrolls your child each year at Dade Christian School until he or she graduates, or until you tell us otherwise.
  • Why did we move to Continuous Enrollment?
    Up until 2021, re-enrollment has been an “opt-in” program. We annually ask every family, “Are you returning to DCS?” Given that more than 85% of our families returned for the 2021-2022, annual re-enrollment has been an unnecessarily time-consuming process. By signing your Continuous Enrollment agreement, you will be flipping that script. Rather than an opt-IN annual re-enrollment process, DCS’s annual re-enrollment will become an OPT-OUT process. In other words, after signing your “Continuous Enrollment Agreement,” you’ll never have to worry about completing an enrollment packet ever again.
  • What is "re-enrollment season"?
    Once you are part of the “Continuous Enrollment Program,” the typical re-enrollment season will simply be a communication reminder informing our families that their continuous enrollment payment will be deducted in February, and if you are thinking about not returning, to notify us prior to that date. If last year is any indication, this means that 85+% of DCS families will have the convenience of ignoring this message and doing absolutely nothing!
  • What is the penalty for a broken enrollment contract?
    DCS families that are continuously enrolled and then dis-enroll after the specified date will lose their deposit. Families who break the enrollment contract after billing for the new year has commenced will be required to pay full tuition for one month of the contracted academic school year.
  • What about unique circumstances? I’m planning on keeping my children at DCS until graduation, but what if God has other plans for my family?
    We’ve built flexibility into this agreement; therefore, for major life changes/unique circumstances like moving 25+ miles away from our school, or if DCS can no longer meet your child’s educational needs, if we ask your family to withdraw, or if there is some unforeseen circumstance that our Trustee Board approves, there will be no financial penalty.
  • What does the Continuous Enrollment Agreement look like?
    I hereby opt into continuous enrollment. This means that my student(s) will be returning to DCS every year unless I tell the school otherwise. I understand that I have until the end of January every year to notify the Dade Christian School Admissions Office of any changes in my plans of enrollment for my child(ren). If I breach this contract by disenrolling my child(ren) after June 1st, I understand that I will be contractually obligated to pay (1) month of tuition as a penalty. Unique Circumstances: Dade Christian School recognizes that family plans change. For any unique circumstances (such as the following), families disenrolling after the announced deadline will be exempt from the (1) month tuition penalty: Moving/Relocation 25+ miles away from Dade Christian School. Educational needs for the student that can no longer be met at Dade Christian School as determined by the DCS administration. Dis-enrollment at the request of Dade Christian School. Other circumstances as approved by the Trustee Board.
  • When are the dates to remember for Continuous Enrollment?
    Here are some dates to remember - do not worry, we will sent reminders leading up to the deadlines below! Enrollment for 2025-2026 school year: Newly admitted families will still need to complete an enrollment packet in their FACTS/ParentsWeb account for the first and last time! December – January: Communication reminders will be sent informing our DCS families that their annual continuous enrollment per family fee will be deducted on February 15. Families who are considering not returning for the upcoming school year will have this period to notify us and opt-out of enrollment to avoid this charge. Families returning can simply ignore these reminders as their children will be guaranteed class placement for the following school year. February 7: Deadline to inform the admissions office if your enrollment plans have changed for the following school year. February 15: Enrollment fee will be automatically deducted via FACTS for all returning families. June 1st, 5th, or 10th: First month of the tuition payments for the new school year. August 1st, 5th, or 10th: Families receiving state-funded scholarships will begin their tuition payments for the new school year.
  • What are the benefits of Continuous Enrollment?
    Simplicity. Guaranteed placement. With each passing year, our enrollment is rapidly increasing— we are either at or near waitlists in many of our grades before the start of summer! Placement in next year’s class is an increasingly sought-after spot. With Continuous Enrollment, you’ll be reserving your child’s seat year after year unless you tell us otherwise. Continuous Enrollment is a once-and-for-all process. Once you submit your online enrollment packet this year, you’ll never have to worry about re-enrollment again!
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